Most everyone wants to be culturally appropriate. But just what does that mean? The answer to that question became a little clearer for non-grandfathered group health plans in the context of notices to be provided for internal health claims and appeals. Plan sponsors will need to pay attention, as compliance with new guidance is required … Continue Reading
Fresh off an extension this past spring of an enforcement grace period with respect to internal health claims and appeals requirements, sponsors of non-grandfathered group health plans received some more welcome news recently with the relaxation of certain group health claims procedure requirements first announced in interim final rules issued in July 2010. Although plan … Continue Reading
In Technical Release 2011-01, the Department of Labor has extended the enforcement grace period with respect to certain internal claims and appeals requirements applicable to non-grandfathered health plans under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) and its implementing regulations. The internal health claims and appeals requirements generally apply to non-grandfathered plans as of … Continue Reading