By Greg Daugherty and Deb Boiarsky on As we have explained in prior ESOP blogs, the Department of Labor (DOL) remains acutely concerned with private company employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) valuations in the formation of ESOPs. In particular, trustees who approve an ESOP trust’s purchase of shares from a seller must demonstrate that they have satisfied ERISA’s fiduciary duties with respect … Continue Reading
By Greg Daugherty on One question that has been on the minds of plan sponsors is how aggressive the Department of Labor (DOL) under President Trump will be compared to that of President Obama. In recent years, the DOL made a priority of investigating ERISA fiduciary issues, with a particular focus on employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs). After the … Continue Reading
By Porter Wright on While in the heat of negotiating, dealmakers can overlook potentially costly exposure in a variety of areas, such as employee benefits. As explained by Becca Kopp in our sister blog, Employer Law Report, in Ohio, buyers may incur unanticipated liability for workers’ compensation obligations, regardless of what is set forth in the documentation. This may … Continue Reading