There have been a number of helpful blogs recently from our colleagues at Porter Wright aimed at helping businesses navigate the COVID-19 outbreak.
Navigating Employment Issues in the Wake of COVID-19 webinar
We have all felt the tremendous impacts to our workplaces and daily lives following the COVID-19 outbreak We’ve also watched the daily press conferences announcing new legislation and executive orders, but what happens next?
As your workplace adapts to growing restrictions, Porter Wright invites you to a live webinar on Monday, March 23, 3:00 – 4:00 pm with Porter Wright’s Leigh Ann Benedic and Mike Underwood. We will discuss the effects of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act on employers, state law developments and provide answers to frequently asked questions that will help you manage your workforce effectively through these unique times.
We will also be taking some of your questions as time permits. This webinar has limited capacity, so please register today!
Financial assistance for small businesses amidst the COVID-19 outbreak
Across the country, state governments are ordering the indefinite closure of bars, restaurants, gyms, and other indoor spaces that may contribute to the community spread of COVID-19. At the same time, pending federal legislation may add additional financial burdens to small businesses that remain open and continue to operate. To help navigate potential sources of financial relief for small businesses, helpful information was curated by Porter Wright’s Victoria Hanohano-hong.
Read the full post on the Banking & Finance Law Report Blog.
UPDATE: Treasury delays April 15 tax filing and payment deadline
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased strain placed on individuals and business taxpayers during this time, the IRS has pushed back certain payment deadlines to ease the burden on taxpayers. Porter Wright’s Cassandra Rice and Gary Schulte explain the plan that impacts any person with a federal income tax payment due April 15, 2020.
Read the full post on the Banking & Finance Law Report Blog.